There are so many phrases about time… Time Flies… Time waits for no one… Timing is everything… There’s no time like the present….
Today I am sitting here thinking about time, as it has officially been a year since I started a new job as a part time OT with the goal of spending more time working on my photography business and as I look at all these quotes about time, I realize how true they all are. This past year has flown by, with so many changes and adjustments in my life. Time didn’t stop to let me catch my breath and get settled in like I had thought it would. It didn’t matter that the things I hoped to change in my business weren’t ready yet, the days on the calendar just kept passing me by every 24 hours. Timing is everything in many situations, but sometimes you just have to jump in and get things accomplished. My website has been waiting for a facelift for a year, and today is the day. My pricing and products have needed to be updated for almost as long, so that happens today too.
While thinking about time, I am also realizing what a gift I have as a photographer. I have been given the gift of being able to capture memories of this moment in time. I love to share this gift with my clients, and my hope this year is to make this entire experience even more enjoyable for my clients. Whether it is the perfect smiling family photograph or the behind the scenes images of what life is like with little ones, I love to capture life and share that with families. I have begun to view the session images with clients over the phone and internet and it has been a great experience to be able to hear their joy and laughter as we go through the images together.
My plan for this is not only to be able to share in the joy of viewing the images for the first time, but also to be able to help guide decision making for image selection. I have the ability now to show clients what their walls will look like with different sized images on them! I also have ordered samples of new wall art for the year, so that my clients have new, beautiful options for how to display their images. Don't worry I still have prints and canvas pieces, but these new ones are simply stunning. These new wall art pieces will become heirlooms to be treasured for years and passed on for generations. The photographs we take and print today are capturing this time in our lives and will be a wonderful remembrance for a lifetime. I leave you with this quote:
“Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today. Let us begin.”
Have a great day!!