So, I am coming up on 7 months since becoming a Certified Professional Photographer. I am also coming up on 5 months since I started a new job as an Occupational Therapist. Both of these things have been really awesome, and in many ways super challenging. I was talking with my friend and fellow CPP Sarah, and she said something to the effect of this: Anytime you are new to something, it is hard. But you just have to remember that you have to keep working hard and it will get easier.
When I became a CPP and then got a part time OT job not long after, I had envisioned a lot of things in my life changing. Things are definitely a lot different than they were a few months ago, but not in the way I had thought. I still have not changed any of my pricing for my photography like I had planned. I have not dedicated specific time for photography training or for social media marketing like I had planned. I have been working more at my “part time” job than I did at the full time job that I left. I left my very comfortable job I had known for 10 years to go into a whole different world of therapy. And it is hard. I have a LOT to learn, which is why I am spending so much time with training and getting accustomed to my new job. But I have to remind myself that getting my CPP took a lot of training and being able to handle critiques to learn and gain more skill as a photographer.
I think that the great things in life are worth the hard work that you inevitably have to put into them. As a photographer, getting my CPP took a lot of hard work but it is an honor that I cherish. As an OT, I’m training to be a part of the feeding team that works with parents to ensure safe feedings for babies that are released from the NICU. And you know what, it’s taking a lot of hard work. But it will be an honor every day that I get to help families with their sweet little ones. I am very accustomed to taking photos of newborns, but now I will get to work with them as an OT and that is beyond cool to me! This was one of my dreams while I was in OT school, that one day I would work with babies. I never really thought it would happen and now it is! My career paths crossed when I was actually able to help one of the families for whom I was taking newborn photos. I asked to observe the baby’s feeding to help with training for my job, and I was able to suggest some modifications that were helpful to ensure the sweet baby boy did not lose as much from his feedings. How amazing is that?! It was yet more evidence that God had a plan for me to get this new job and that He has a plan for us when we are having to work hard to get through the changes or just plain struggles of life.
I will leave you with this quote that I previously posted to Instagram: The will of God will not take you where the grace of God will not protect you.
I hope that wherever you are on your life’s journey, you will keep working hard and push through the challenges! It’s worth the struggle to be able to achieve your dreams, whatever they may be!