2017 is going to be a great year!!!
I am excited to share with you the great news that I just got this morning! I passed my CPP exam! You probably have no idea what that means, but CPP stands for Certified Professional Photographer. I told myself about five years ago that this was something I wanted to pursue, and I finally decided that 2017 was going to be the year!! I want to become a CPP in order to challenge myself to achieve a higher standard of work, and to prove to my clients that I can guarantee a high quality experience with Creative Visions. Now that I have passed the exam, the next step is to submit a portfolio of images to be critiqued by other professionals. Once my portfolio is approved, I will be a Certified Professional Photographer. Stay tuned to for more info about this process for my business!
I am also VERY excited to be launching a brand new website after almost five years with the same images on my site. I can now update my images whenever I want with the help of Photobiz. I can't tell you how excited I am about the idea of being able to update my work at any time!!
I am confident that 2017 holds great things for me and my photography, and I hope that 2017 is shaping up to be a great year for you too!!
I am including some of my own personal favorite images from 2016 vacations, Enjoy!