Full confession… I have been horrible about blogging again! I did really great right after my new website launched, and then things got crazy with my full-time job, trying to stay caught up with editing, and trying to capture images that will pass the CPP image submission requirements. I have been learning a lot through the process, most importantly that I am strong enough to receive criticism. A few years ago, I don’t think that I would have been able to handle this process of having to not only pick apart my own work, but to have others point out all the flaws in images that I think are pretty good! However, the goal is that I will be able to critique myself while I am doing a session so that I ensure a great product for my clients! The goal is to set my work apart and go from pretty good to great technically. I continue to believe that technical perfection according to the CPP standard is not always necessary when capturing great images. My goal is always to tell a story of life at that moment for my clients, whether that is the sweet newborn just brought into the family, the struggle of family photos with a 2 year old, or the joy of a wedding day. I treasure every session I have that helps me to continue to improve my craft and thank all the families that have allowed me to grow with them!!
I hope you enjoy some of the images from recent sessions!!